Fees and Finance
Fees 2024/25
Fees and charges for the Academic Year 2024/25
School Fees from 1 january 2025
Boarders: £17,153 per term including VAT/£51,459 per annum including VAT
Day: £12,997 per term including VAT/£38,991 per annum including VAT
Fees are payable in advance by the first day of term. A monthly payment scheme, starting in July each year, is also available.
The currently applicable rate of VAT is 20%.
Registration Fee from 1 january 2025
£300 including VAT
Payable when pupil is registered at the start of the Admissions process (non-refundable).
Confirmation Fee/Deposit from 1 september 2024
£1,500 including VAT
Payable in advance of entry; refundable on final bill but forfeit if the confirmed place is not taken up.
No interest is paid on deposits.
For non-UK resident parents, a full term's fees is required as a deposit, in addition to the first term's fees due.
Child Student Visa Fee from 1 january 2025
£480 including VAT per application for any new pupil requiring a new Child Student Visa or existing pupils who require a renewal of their Child Student Visa upon entry to Sixth Form. This fee is non-refundable including if the visa application is unsuccessful. The fee will be added to the pupil's fee bill.
If you would like further information about fees, please contact the Finance department via email: fees@canford.com
Company Reg No: 190956
Registered Charity No: 306315
VAT No: 331 5659 06
We encourage excellence through the awarding of scholarships. As a guide, scholarships are generally worth between 5% and 20% of the fees, which may be enhanced by a bursary if parents are able to demonstrate, through means-testing, that they could not otherwise send their child to the school.
All Canford's scholarships are indexed as a percentage of the fees so that their relative value remains constant throughout the scholar's school career. Awards for new entrants to the school are made at both 13+ and 16+, for excellence and potential in various fields.
Scholarships for 2026 entry
Information regarding scholarships for 2026 entry will be released in October 2025.
Canford Scholarships
13+ Scholarships
16+ Scholarships
We are committed to broadening access for prospective parents and to supporting current families. Help with the payment of school fees is available as means-tested financial assistance for parents/guardians who can demonstrate a genuine need for support. Such ‘financial assistance’, traditionally known as a ‘bursary’ is provided in the form of a discount of up to 100% of school fees and extras, depending on the financial and other circumstances of applicants.
As part of the application process, we ask parents to see whether other organisations might be able to offer grants to assist with the school fees. Lists of charitable organisations who offer grants can be found through the Independent Schools Council or the Educational Trusts’ Forum.
extra charges
Additional Charges
Insurance Schemes
Personal Accident including Emergency Dental: All pupils are automatically included in the Personal Accident Scheme at no extra cost.
Personal Effects: We are unable to accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property of pupils and do not carry insurance for this purpose. We recommend that you take out appropriate insurance. We offer a Student’s Personal Effects Scheme – to participate please email the Finance team via fees@canford.com. The current cost of the scheme is £7.73 per term.
Three meals a day for boarders and lunch for day pupils are included along with text books, exam entrance fees and house parties.
EXTRA Charges
We work hard to include as many activities as possible within the fees. Lunch, text books, exam entrance fees, house parties and all compulsory trips are included in the fees. Some activities, however, are charged as ‘extras’. As a guide, extras per term can average £250. Music lessons or private tuition can add another £300 or so per term to this figure, dependent upon the number of lessons. The bus service is also in addition to this. However, it is possible to limit extra charges to much lower amounts if you and your child are cautious.
In charging extras, the guidance to teachers and others is that items or activities over £20 require prior parental agreement.
If you wish to cancel a voluntary activity, we will need one full term’s notice in writing or the payment of the fee, charge or subscription in lieu. For example, music lessons are charged in arrears and withdrawal from music tuition requires one full term’s notice in writing to the Director of Music.
Please note the following in relation to specific extra charges:
• Bus Services: Details of the daily bus services and exeat/half term coach services are published here: Transport links. Please contact the Transport Manager on 01202 847568 or email transport@canford.com if you have any questions. Charges are made in arrears.
• Music Tuition: a 35 minute lesson is £34.50; instrument Hire (per term) is £33; extras also charged for incidentals such as sheet music and strings
• Extra Tuition, per session per pupil, is charged at:
Individual £33.17
2 pupils £19.08
3 pupils £14.64
4 or more pupils £12.64
Below are examples of other activities or items that the school may charge as extras:
• Art and Design Technology materials (non-standard only)
• Careers courses, registration, university visits
• CCF – dinners, kit if lost or damaged
• Medical - Health Centre transport charges and Physiotherapy
• House – hoodies, any damages
• Library photocopying and fines
• Subject-related magazines
• Optional trips
• Stationery
An estimated fee account can be provided two weeks before the end of term, on request, if required.
No remission of the fees is made when a pupil is removed for disciplinary or voluntary reasons, perhaps due to sickness, for part of a term.
Non-routine medical treatment
Physiotherapy is available to pupils either privately on site or via the NHS as a standard referral. Parents should be aware that treatment by the NHS many have delays and may be at times that are not convenient for the pupil’s school commitments and timetable.
We welcome children from HM Forces families and those working in the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office and see them thrive within the 24/7 full boarding environment.
HM Forces Families
A number of pupils from HM Forces families join Canford each year. They are attracted to the school by the full boarding model, where on average at least 80% of boarders are in school each weekend, excellent academic achievement, a supportive school community of strong pastoral and wellbeing care, a wealth of co-curricular opportunities including an award winning CCF and impressive facilities set within 250 acres of stunning landscaped grounds in beautiful Dorset. A number of our teaching and house staff being ex military is also reassurance for families that the school has an understanding and awareness of the unique situation that children of HM Forces parents are in.
For new joiners from September 2022, Canford will offer specific financial support to children of parents in the HM Armed Forces, subject to terms and conditions and the School's usual Admissions entry process. We will offer a 10% fee discount based on the following criteria:
1. The remissions are only open to pupils seeking to board.
2. Qualifying dates – the discount will apply in each term where at least one parent is in regular full-time service in HM Armed Forces
3. If the eligible parent, or both parents, leave the military, the final discount will apply in respect of the academic term during which the claimant completes their last day of service.
4. If more than one parent is serving in the Armed Forces, a maximum military discount of 10% will be available per child.
5. Our military remissions are only available to children of serving, regular members of the Armed Forces, not those of reservists.
Several families may still be eligible for scholarships and / or bursaries after receiving the military discount, in which case the following will apply:
1. Scholarships – the discount would apply first; any scholarships awarded would be calculated on the net fee.
2. Means-tested support - if eligible, the value of the remission and any scholarships would be factored into the calculation for means-tested support.
find out more about the ccf and outdoor activities at canford
Opportunity and support for military families at Canford School - independent schools council article
foreign and commonwealth development office
We offer a fee remission for eligible families who are working in the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office.
Like those in the military, where families are regularly posted overseas, FCDO families are attracted to the school by the full boarding model, where on average at least 80% of boarders are in school each weekend, excellent academic achievement, a supportive school community of strong pastoral and wellbeing care, a wealth of co-curricular opportunities and impressive facilities set in over 250 acres of stunning grounds in Dorset.
For new joiners from September 2022, Canford will offer specific financial support to children of parents in who work for the FCDO, subject to terms and conditions and the School's usual Admissions entry process. We will offer a 10% fee discount based on the following criteria:
1. The remissions are only open to pupils seeking to board.
2. Qualifying dates – the discount will apply in each term where at least one parent is in regular full-time employment with the FCDO.
3. If the eligible parent, or both parents, leave the FCDO, the final discount will apply in respect of the academic term during which the claimant completes their last day of service.
4. If more than one parent is working for the FCDO, a maximum discount of 10% will be available per child.
Several families may still be eligible for scholarships and / or bursaries after receiving the FCDO discount, in which case the following will apply:
1. Scholarships – the discount would apply first; any scholarships awarded would be calculated on the net fee.
2. Means-tested support - if eligible, the value of the remission and any scholarships would be factored into the calculation for means-tested support.
Notice of Removal
If you wish to withdraw your child from the School (other than at the normal leaving date which is the end of year 13, or at the end of the Fifth Form (Year 11), you must either give us a term's notice to that effect or pay to the School a term's fees in lieu of notice at the rate that would have been charged for the final term of provision if a term’s notice had been given. If you wish to withdraw your child from the school at the end of the Fifth Form you must either give us a term and a half’s notice or pay to the School a term and a half’s fees in lieu of notice.
The annual fees are divided into three equal parts and are charged separately on a termly basis, regardless of the length of any term.
Each term's fees fall due for payment by you on the first day of that term. Each term's fees will be included in an invoice sent to you (or such other person(s) the School may have agreed separately shall pay the fees). The fees must be paid in full by direct debit or direct bank transfer on or before the first day of the term to which the invoice relates.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Canford understands and values the different cultural, religious, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds of its pupils and recognises that all of its pupils, regardless of their background or gender, should enjoy equal opportunities. Through its policies and practice the school seeks to provide an environment in which all individuals can thrive and feel safe and secure, and to encourage the development in its pupils of a proper sensitivity to the needs of others.
Data Protection Policy
The School will process personal data about you and your child in accordance with data protection law, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 (each as amended or superseded) and other related legislation.