Visit Us
The first step to joining the Canford community is to visit the school, either on an Open Morning or for a private visit. Both these provide the opportunity to get a feel for the school and its full boarding experience.
“Canford is a very welcoming school and the Open Mornings are brilliantly run. The school strikes the perfect balance, showing exactly what you offer and meeting very helpful staff and delightful pupils.”
Open Morning
Open Mornings are a useful introduction to the school and offer the chance to meet the Headmaster and senior teaching staff, tour the school and visit academic and co-curricular departments. Each family will be offered a personal guided tour with a pupil. Our Open Mornings are a chance to see the school on a working day, with separate events for families interested in entry at Year 9 (13+) and Sixth Form entry (16+).
Our next Open Morning is on Saturday 26th April 2025.
Private Visits
If your child is in Year 5 or above and you have already attended an Open Morning but would like to explore Canford in more detail then it is possible to book a private visit. Our private visits take place mornings only during term time. They offer the opportunity for an individual pupil guided tour of the school, including a visit to one house, and a meeting with one of our day or boarding house parents.
To request a private visit, please click the link below to complete the form and we will be in touch.