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Sixth Form Community

In the Sixth Form, our Community Action programme steps up, with Sixth Formers taking the lead on support for a wide range of local, regional and international projects.

Last year 8,888 volunteer hours were given by Sixth Formers, with 219 pupils involved in over 33 different Community Action programmes.  Over 100 hours spent performing musical concerts in care homes, 150 hours visiting patients at the Lewis Manning Hospice and 225 hours were spent helping at 3 local charity shops.  If you develop an enthusiasm for something we will encourage you to run with it.  

Each year groups of Lower Sixth Formers are offered the opportunity to spend part of their summer holiday in one of three Partership projects in Argentina, Ghana or India.   Trips are always oversubscribed and there is an application and interview process for places.  Whether you are successful or not, this process is very useful in terms of gaining experience in advance of university applications and interviews in the Upper Sixth year.

Canford has really broadened my horizons.

Upper Sixth pupil