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Boarding Pupils


One school, ten houses

All pupils, whether boarding or day, belong to one of ten houses. Each house buzzes with a life of its own, but all are very much part of our one school, ten houses ethos.

We have four boys’ boarding houses and three girls’ boarding houses. All are located within the school grounds just a few minutes' walk from the main buildings in separate boys and girls boarding hubs.  Around 65%+ of our pupils are full boarders - there is no weekly or flexi boarding option but there are opportunities to go home during each term.

“Straightaway I noticed the friendliness of all the pupils and staff and felt at home.”

Boarding Pupil

Girls' Boarding Houses

Boys' Boarding Houses

Boarding FAQs

"I love boarding - it's like one big family and it's great fun in the evenings and at weekends."

Boarding Pupil

Coach services for boarders

Canford School Bus

Boarder Transport Services

Canford runs exeat and half term coach services including airport connections.

Boarder Transport Services



Girls' boarding houses


Boys' Boarding Houses


of boarders on average at school on any given weekend


Full boarding environment

Our People