Sixth Form Canfordians are encouraged to stretch their minds entering national and international essay competitions.
A Place to Explore
Our enriching curriculum includes opportunities for academic and intellectual aspiration alongside an extensive co-curricular programme. Creativity and self-discovery is encouraged across all ages and ability levels, and the coherence of a Canford education across both academic and co-curricular elements promotes lifelong personal development and self-understanding.
This programme for all year groups focusses on key teenage issues surrounding wellbeing and mental health
The annual Careers Convention enables our Sixth Formers to learn more about career paths from parents and OCs
Our dedicated team of careers staff is experienced in giving information, advice and guidance about career choices
Pupils can join the Army, Navy or Marines divisions of the CCF from Fourth Form
Canfordians have the opportunity to take part in an array of different co-curricular activities
Canford regards links with and service in the community as a natural dimension of learning
Canford is an accredited Duke of Edinburgh's Award Centre
Canford is welcoming to all regardless of socio-economic background, race, religion, physical ability, gender or sexuality.
Each year the final week of the Summer Term at Canford is devoted to a variety of co-curricular, fun, off piste activities
Canford offers Sixth Formers the opportunity to study for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Each year Canford holds a Festival of Ideas, encouraging pupils and staff to challenge and to listen on a particular theme
The Drama department host a pop up performance opportunity in the theatre foyer.
The Canford Global Connections programme aims to foster a genuine interest in diversity of thought.
Canford has a number of academic and cultural societies which aim to develop an enquiring mind, knowledge and skills
There are a variety of whole year group social events as well as individual house events and competitions.
The library offers over 300 linear metres of open book shelving and a multimedia area
The so-called ‘soft skills’ are developed through our co-curricular programme
We have a strong record of success in applications for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry
Model United Nations, part of Canford's Global Connections programme, has been popular at Canford for many years.
Canford has an impressive record of offers to Oxbridge.
Pupils can take part in trips to Canford's partnership communities.
Often young people prefer to talk to someone their own age about their concerns, offered through peer mentoring
As part of Canford’s pupil leadership programme, prospective teaching staff meet current pupils.
Becoming a Pupil Leader is a significant leadership role which brings with it responsibility and challenge
We look for personality, ambition and enthusiasm in our scholars alongside exceptional achievement
Canford enters teams in the annual Ten Tors challenge on Dartmoor.
Every half term, one pupil from each house will be recognised for their contributions reflected through school values
We celebrate many national and global celebration days throughout the school year
Pupils supplement their classroom study through academic trips and co-curricular expeditions
Speakers from a diverse range of industries and backgrounds visit Canford each term
Twice a year, on Enterprise Day, pupils get involved in a range of activities including CCF exercises and community work
Yellow Hour is an hour set aside each term for Canfordians to perform, for the sheer joy of it!