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Transport Links

Canford is located in Dorset, South West England. The school is well served by rail, air and road links for families, whether a day or boarding pupil. It is under two hours from London, Oxford and Exeter, 90 minutes from the M3/M25 junction and within easy reach of London Heathrow, London Gatwick, Bournemouth, Exeter and Southampton airports. Canford is easily accessible.  Use postcode BH21 3AD for sat nav. Canford runs exeat and half term coach services including airport connections for our boarding pupils, please see details regarding stops below, these include, Poole Train Station, Southampton Airport, Liphook, London via Winchester, Fleet Services, Richmond and Tothill Street (SW1), and Heathrow (T5). All bookings must be made via the Parent Portal.  

A daily minibus service is available for our day pupils, with 10 different routes which pick up and drop off from various locations Monday - Friday and Saturday mornings to/from the school. Route details are available below. The minibuses arrive at around 8am and leave at 6.10pm. All bookings must be made via the Parent Portal. 

Parent Portal - Day and Boarding transport bookings


Canford School minibus

Directions to Canford School

Use postcode BH21 3AD for sat nav.

Map and Directions

Day Bus Services for pupils



Boarding Bus Services for pupils


Find out more

Transport links feedback form

First Name
Last Name

We regularly review our transport routes to better serve our day and boarding pupils, if we don't currently offer a location that you feel would be helpful to you, please complete the short form below.

Are you happy for us to contact you with news of updates on transport routes?